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About your brand
In 2016, Elvis, the visionary founder of PolyEco Greenhouses, embarked
on a journey that would redefine the landscape of home gardening.
Renting a plot on the allotment site, he quickly realized the importance
of a reliable greenhouse. However, his initial timber-framed creation
with a polyethylene cover proved short-lived, succumbing to the harsh
winter in 2018 after just two years.

Undeterred by this setback, Elvis saw an opportunity to innovate and
provide a solution for fellow garden enthusiasts. Spring of 2019 marked
the birth of PolyEco Greenhouses, driven by a mission to empower
individuals to cultivate their own produce without the financial burden
of costly glass structures or the disappointment of subpar plastic
polytunnels. Today, PolyEco stands as a testament to resilience,
quality, and a commitment to making home gardening accessible to all.